martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

In one year, so many things happen. Good things like finding love, graduate from school, etc. and also bad things like getting fired or a death of a known person. In the long way, these things make your life important and meaningful. They give you a year with different kind of colors.

BUT, sometimes nothing really happens. I mean that, of course you have had good and bad times, but sometimes nothing really important happens, something that could change you . Sometimes you have a year very gray, very plane.

I think that 2013 has been for me a very gray year because for more that I think about good things and bad things that have happened, I can’t find anything. Of course, I have had good and bad times in this year, but nothing that really matter. I haven’t achieved anything, I haven’t done anything and I haven’t important news.
2013 has been an extremely bored year. And for all of these reasons, I want it to be over. I want and i need that 2014 begins. Sometimes we need that a year or a month, even a day begins for starting to live. I need a year xd.

I don’t know. Maybe you think that I am a pessimistic, and yes, maybe I am, but I’m being very honest and sincere. In the other hand, I have a lot of hopes in 2014. I hope to find the change that turn over the way of destiny. I hope to find love. I hope to help people. I EXPECT A COLORFUL 2014. 

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