martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

"We don't know if antidepressants work, so stop bashing them" 

This article is about the question if antidepressants are actually as effective as they supposed to be. It is written by Pete Etchells (and posted on 15th august of 2013) and he presents a lot of information that can be used to answer this complicated question.  

First of all, this article describes depression as a serious disorder  that makes people feel sad or/and hopeless for a long time. Then, it exposes the research of Irving Kirsch from 2008 that studied the efficacy of four different types of antidepressant. The results of this research explained that antidepressants are ONLY effective for people who have severe cases of depression instead of people with mild or slight depression. Also it exposes the research of Erick Turner from 2008 that studied the efficacy of 12 types of antidepressant (instead of four) and that concluded that antidepressants were mostly superior to placebo, independent of the severity of depression.

The author says that it’s difficult to say if antidepressants are effective or not because there are lots of studies that are pro- antidepressant that established that they are effective to solve depression and, on the other hand, there are lots of studies anti-antidepressants that established they aren’t effective to solve depression. So, he concluded that there isn’t a truthful answer to the mainly question and that we don’t know how effective antidepressants are until it appear more studies, which aren’t influence of monetary or emotional issues, that could test this. Finally, he established that the current studies only help to stigmatize depression even more.

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